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Inserting climbing plants in flowerbeds or as isolated features on lawns

Give height, volume and depth to your outdoors. Learn how to add lush climbing plants to your garden making use of their abundant scented blossom for a magical vertical touch.

Get away from flat spaces

Think vertically! Climbing plants are all the more sought after since gardens are increasingly shrinking. They require minimum ground space for a maximum volume of foliage. 

Show climbing plants off to their best effect

If you have room, grow plant columns every five metres. Honeysuckle, clematis or rose trees will stand to attention for a luxuriant effect. An obelisk or column in wicker, bamboo, or iron will provide a support for them and show off their generous bloom.

Planting tips

Climbing plants are for the most part undemanding and will grow on any well-drained soil.
To plant them, prepare a hole that is slightly larger than the root ball. Next place a layer of drainage stones at the base of the hole, then cover with a compost and topsoil mix. When you insert the plant, remember to incline the root ball towards it future support, then fill in and water generously before mulching the surface of the soil a few centimetres around the plant.

Guide your plant by tying in young shoots to the structure of the column so that they grow to cover it. Another technique is to enclose your plant in the centre of an obelisk between its four legs. Keep structures in wicker for annuals as the lifespan of this material is limited.

  • Inserting climbing plants in flowerbeds or as isolated features on lawns

    So it's easy to add décor to a flowerbed or create a stand-alone feature

    The plant variety you choose will dictate the exposure required:
    • Shade for ivy,
    • Semi-shade for clematis, honeysuckle and climbing hydrangea,
    • Sunshine for wisteria, jasmine, thunbergia and begonia.

    Varieties sold in containers can be planted all year round, except in periods of frost. However, autumn is the best period, as it ensures the best chances of regrowth.

    Your climbers will interact with one another bringing character, elegance and energy to your green spaces.